The Gilded Feline - she of a most fiery golden light and arcana dancing at her fingers. Aether clings to her form and embraces her figure like a long-lost lover while a certain strength of the elements is given to her oh-so-freely. A curl of the lips and a sparkle in those pools of liquid gold.

A figure open with her business and dealings, she often has a warm and welcoming smile for those who cross her path and walk through the doors of her venue. A figure most always with her nose buried in some tome and tail getting into business that it shouldn't, and yet charming all the same.

"I hath many names, I fear, and many titles. Most art quite foolish.
Thou may'st calleth me V'lissa. Mistress V'lissa, if thee wish."

V'lissa is a Miqo'te of no unusual stature nor presence at first glance. Her clothing is of fine make, seemingly tailored to her form and in various shades of color, though seemingly ever-present were those gold-framed glasses resting low on her nose; so rarely seen through but so often worn not unlike that upwards curl to those painted lips of hers.A mane of fiery red, lightly braided here and there, cascades down over her shoulders like a molten wave that catches the light. What did not need to catch the light to glimmer and flash, however, were those twin pools of liquid gold set into her irises. Perhaps not a normal shade nor appearance for eyes? They flow and wash over what they peer to, and a close enough look at them reveals a gilded reflection of the world.And that is to say nothing of the aether that clings to her figure and permeates her being, nor the markings on her arms that look suspiciously like those of an Archon...This gilded feline is seen hither and thither, reading from a tome or gathering herbs in the wilderness. An easy sight would be spotting this smiling figure behind a counter of a certain shoppe in Ishgard by name of "The Golden Thorn." Fewer still have seen her walking through ruins and fallen towers, seeking what is like to be another tome or relic to add to her collection.Similarly, another rather easy sight would be spotting this fiery redhead attending to her duties on the isle of Old Sharlayan. Whether teaching a lesson in the Studium on the arts of Aetherology or Somanoutics, enjoying a cup of tea at the Last Stand, perusing and reading one of the great many tomes of Noumenon, or hiding away in the depths of Labyrinthos attending to some manner of research she cannot speak of, this particular Seeker is quite present.

Gilded Gaze

The gilded feline possesses a pair of unique irises in their appearance, questioned on occasion and rarely offering an explanation for such. Who can truly answer the nature of their eyes? When incanting a spell there is a light to shimmer off their gilded surfaces, and when near sources of notable ambient Aether there's a glow from within as if calling out...

Alchemy and Magicks

V'lissa is the owner and proprietress of a warm and welcoming shoppe nestled within Ishgard known as "The Golden Thorn" - a more intimate affair offering herbs, Alchemicals, and guidance on magicks wide and varied. The tutelage and tending of a Sharlayan scholar, they say, and one quite knowledgeable in her chosen field of research.

Aetherial Sensitivity

Those sensitive to aether would easily note the elements that clung to this fiery-haired Miqo'te. Fire licks at her flesh and the mane running over her shoulders, and she is seldom seen without such an arcane aura. Either experience with the arcane or decidedly gifted, though 'tis equally likely to be mere coincidence. Dost thou trust thy senses, traveler?

Echoes of Music

Travelers on the road or students in their halls may offer hushed rumors of she the most gilded of felines. When she doth travel alone, when she dost believe there are no others around to hear, they say there is a music that follows after she of fiery red - a light singing upon the air in a tongue unknown. A musical humming. A forlorn song, ever-present.

For Those of Gridania
Common | Casual, Slice-of-Life

'Tis no strange sight to see a particular gilded feline about the streets of Gridania proper nor the Lavender Beds nearby. Even in the nearby areas of the Twelveswood she may be a familiar sight. Alchemy and Conjury is what the citizens may say if one were to ask of her. They say she is a warm and welcoming face - easy to speak with.

For Those of the Road
Common | Varied

Adventurers, wanders, travelers near and far - those with wanderlust - may findeth themselves graced by the arrival or passage of a feline with a mane of fiery red and eyes like pools of golden light. At times on foot, at times atop a wagon pulled by chocobo's legs, but always with that music to echo on the wind with her.

For Those Who Needeth Aid
Common | Combat, Magic

Alchemy and Conjury - both skills that are adept at rendering aid to those who may be injured or otherwise stricken with illness. This gilded feline has often offered such aid as she may in these regards, whether she was sought out or stumbled upon those who needed her most. Healing, curing, and...even defending, when necessary.

For Those Who Seeketh Magic
Uncommon | Magic, Intrigue

'Tis no great secret that the Golden Thorn and its Mistress are centers of many magical arts within Coerthas and Ishgard. Those who desireth understanding, even lessons on such, may hear that the feline with eyes of liquid gold is willing to offer her knowledge to those who doth seeketh such - if they prove worthy of this.

For Those of Sharlayan
Uncommon | Casual, Intrigue

Based on accent, diction, and general manner of speaking, one might take note that this gilded feline speaks similarly to the scholars of the nation of Sharlayan. Tomes on the Aetherial arts may be recognized as written by her, students may know her from her teachings in the Studium, or scholars may be familiar with her research.

For Those of Intuition
Rare | Intrigue

V'lissa is a figure so terribly warm and open. Always kind and friendly to those who approach her, always willing to help or offer advice. Yet, why does it seem as though she lacks some emotions? Anger, contempt, disgust, fear, even love - why does she not display these? She is friendly and warm but nothing else, it seems.


Mateus (Crystal)

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to peruse my character's Carrd, and I hope that you liked what little it was that I provided here. V'lissa is a character that I am quite fond of and I wanted to make sure that I had something to show for her. It also provides a nice way to scoop up new plots and partners, so it's a win-win!

I am a roleplayer who naturally gravitates towards more serious themes and am a huge fan of mystery and intrigue themes in my RP. I am a high fantasy lover at heart, and my characters will generally have a sort of wanderlust to them where they like getting out and about and into general mischief. Neither I nor my characters will often be found loitering in a tavern waiting to be approached, unless of course they are there for a scene already. That's not loitering, though, is it?

Anywho! I have been writing for a fairly extensive period of time and gaming for even longer than that. I've played World of Warcraft for every expansion since its inception, Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 more than I care to admit (snrrrk), Wildstar, The Elder Scrolls Online, and more recently Black Desert Online. Offline, I am an avid fencer (longsword primarily!), enjoy long rides on my motorcycle, and work in the IT field!

  • I am primarily a writer of scenes in-game because I suck at paying attention and will take forever to get back to people on Discord scenes. Whoops.

  • My general themes: Adventure, Dark, Magic, Intrigue, Combat, and Romance! I prefer a healthy dose of the above in equal parts but I'm open to most forms of RP!

  • Additionally, conflict is certainly a possibility and I have no issues with the consequences of such actions. Injury is expected in these scenarios, but I have no intentions of allowing people to randomly maim my character.

  • To add to the previous: I will not write with openly antagonistic / hostile characters. If the objective of your character is to get a rise out of mine, feel free to find someone else to write with!

  • As a general note: I am less interested in business contacts / mercenaries looking for work since I have quite a few of those already. I am much more likely to be interested in your character if they can bring something more personal and meaningful to the board!

  • If you have any questions, comments, thoughts, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at my Discord tag above! I am very lenient with hooks and very willing to work with people and make new friends. If you are interested in writing with me, drop me a line and let's see what we can do!